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At Chesterfield, we want our children to be curious scientists. In line with our curriculum driver, developing aspirations and possibilities for all, we want children to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be doctors, engineers, astronauts and forensic scientists.  We encourage children to learn from, be inspired by the work of great scientists, and understand the contribution science has made to society, both past and present. 

Our goal for Science education is that children become scientifically literate citizens who understand the world around them, by developing:

  • the ability to ask meaningful questions based on their experiences 
  • the ability to effectively communicate their scientific thoughts using relevant vocabulary
  • the use of scientific enquiry skills; and
  • enjoyment of exploring, discovering and creating meaningful connections with the world.

We believe that it is important for children to have as many memorable hands-on scientific opportunities across their school career. Our Edible Playground is a vibrant outdoor teaching garden that inspires hands-on learning and gets children excited about growing and eating healthy food. It also helps to improve the children’s health and wellbeing whilst providing a fun outdoor learning environment that supports cross-curriculum teaching.

Our curriculum drivers of communication, oracy, reading, aspirations and inclusion for all shape every aspect of Science, are embedded in teaching and learning and develop the child as a whole.