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In an ever-advancing world of technological innovation it is paramount that our high-quality computing curriculum equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world in which they live. Inline with our curriculum driver, developing aspirations and possibilities for all, we believe that computing underpins a successful future for our children. Providing children with a personal device enables them to use digital technology in a variety of ways across the curriculum, ensuring that they leave Chesterfield School digitally literate and as active, responsible participants in a digital world. We want children to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be computer programmers, engineers and technicians.

Our curriculum drivers of communication, oracy, reading, aspirations and inclusion for all shape every aspect of computing, are embedded in teaching and learning and develop the child as a whole.


Digital School's Award

Recently, Chesterfield Primary School was awarded the 'Digital School's Award' and is now a mentoring school. We were one of the first schools in England to achieve this award as we were a pilot school.