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School Uniform

 Chesterfield Primary School Uniform

  • Red Jumpers / Sweatshirts 
  • White Polo Shirts
  • Black / Grey Trousers / Skirts
  • Black Shoes / Trainers

Red and white check dresses/grey or black shorts may be worn in the summer.

PE kit

  • White T-shirt,
  • Black Shorts
  • Black Plimsols (or trainers)

Year 6 are encouraged to wear black sweatshirts with the school logo as they play a special role in their final year at Chesterfield.

Parents should advise the school if our uniform requirements conflict with their cultural or religious customs in order that alternative arrangements can be made.

Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child’s name. If you are unsure about any aspect of school uniform please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • For health and safety reasons no jewellery should be worn with the exception of religious items, stud earrings and watches. Children must remove all earrings and watches before PE and games lessons

Unbranded items like trousers, shorts, skirts, red summer dresses, red jumpers, black Year 6 jumpers, black tracksuit bottoms and shorts and white t-shirts can be bought from several local supermarkets, including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s. 

If you require support, we do offer second hand uniforms. We also offer new uniforms on site at a reduced rate. If you speak to a member of the office team or our parent support advisor (Lale) either by phone or email we can advise you on this. 

All uniforms are available to purchase at:


Lyons School Shop

242 Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 5BL. 
Tel: 020 8804 3627

Uniform for Schools

Some good condition second hand uniform available

There are some second hand items of uniform available, please contact the office and ask to speak to Lale.   Alternatively, if you have some good condition uniform to donate, please hand it in to the school office. Thank you.